Abstract #350 - To restore autonomy and dignity of the people living with VIH/Aids through an economic activity
Authors: Presenting Author: Dr Côme NIYONGABO - Burundi | |
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Aim: Since the beginning of the pandemic of HIV, one of the main difficulties that the PLWA have to put up with is the loss of autonomy, which, very often increases the discrimination and stigmatization they encounter, and, a loss of dignity especially in African contexts, where the most active section is the one which is strongly touched by the HIV.
Facing this situation, the various actors often initiated income-generating activities, often financed non-returnable. The present study shows the advantages and the limits of an economic activity in the normal economic channel via an institution of micro finance.
Aim of the study
To show how the economic activity through the institutions of micro finances contribute to restore the autonomy and the dignity of the PLWA
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Method / Issue: This work was completed by Handicap International in Burundi in collaboration with 3 local organizations of support to the people affected and/or infected by the HIV. The strategy consists in giving access to the PLWA to an economic activity by the means of a collaboration with an institution of micro finance; thus to give them an opportunity to carry out an economic activity in the formal system of micro finances. The project encourages them to build a partnership with a professional organization of micro-credit, places at their disposal guarantee funds of granted credits and organizes a reinforcement of capacities of the projects carriers to maximize the chances of success
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Results / Comments: 150 people carried on an economic activity
At the end of the project which lasted 12 months, 60% refunded their credit and could continue their economic activity.
The institutions of micro finances are opened to the PLWA
The fact of handling an economic activity in the formal system reduces discrimination, stigmatization (because inserted in a banking system like all the other customers) and restores the dignity and the autonomy of the PLWA
The number of credit-recipients is increasing, which is not obvious in the traditional system of non-returnable granting of credit
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Discussion: The adopted system, which is based on a partnership approach between the actors who fight against HIV and the organizations of microphone-credit, is replicable in other contexts. It allows the actors to serve several recipients without personal guarantee, to benefit from the know-how and expertise of the organizations of microphone-credit with a certainty of sustainability, to familiarize the recipients with the banking system and to decrease stigmatization in their connection. This system must be accompanied by a good medical follow-up otherwise the frequent episodes of diseases might cause the fall of the economic activity with the risk of using the credit for other needs and thus to lead the project�s carrier to more poverty.
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