Amsterdam 2015
Amsterdam 2015
Abstract book - Abstract - 2351
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International Committee
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Scientific Committee
Abstract #2351  -  Sisters unite - Women and HIV
  43.1: Sisters unite - Women and HIV (Parallel) on Thursday @ 16.30-18.00 in C002 Chaired by
  Presenting Author:   Dr Maaike van Veen - GGDAmsterdam, Netherlands
  Additional Authors:   
The Prostitution and Health Centre (P&G292), affiliated with the STI clinic of the Public Health Service in Amsterdam, was founded in 2008. Approximately 7000 female sex workers (FSW) work on a yearly basis in Amsterdam. The aim of P&G292 is to provide sexual health care for FSW and male sex workers (MSW) at a clinic located near the Red Light District. In addition to sexual health, social services are also provided at P&G292.
Method / Issue:
In 2008, we started with STI testing among FSW and in March 2010 facilities were expanded to other sexual health services such as contraception and issues around unplanned pregnancy. In October 2011 a project was initiated to increase testing at outreach sex venues such as window prostitution, brothels and clubs. In 2012 online outreach was introduced to reach the hidden sex workers population that works via the internet. For this study, we analysed anonimized data from the electronic patient files (2008-2014) to assess the reach of P&G292 in the FSW population in Amsterdam.
Results / Comments:
Since 2008, the number of FSW tested by P&G292 tripled from 470 in 2008 to 1531 in 2014 (p<0.01). The STI positivity rate did not significantly change over time (9.4% in 2008 and 9.5% in 2014). Chlamydia was the most often diagnosed STI. In 2014, 448 sex workers were tested at outreach location (STI positivity 8.0%), a steep increase compared to 126 consultations at outreach in 2008 (p<0.01). At a yearly basis, approximately 200 sexual health consultations are performed the majority (around 85%) concern contraception, unplanned pregnancy and abortion. In about 15% of consultations other sexual health issues are discussed, such as sexual disfunctions and sexual violence. In more than half of the sexual health consultations, an STI check is completed. In 2012, 39 female sex workers were approached by online outreach, in 2013 this was increased to 142 contacts and in 2013 272 FSW were reached by online outreach (p<0.01).
Since the start, the prostitution and health centre has reached a significant proportion of FSW in Amsterdam. Continuous monitoring and readjustment of (outreach) activities is of importance to reach the mobile FSW population. The introduction of testing at outreach venues has increased the penetration of health care within this difficult-to-reach population. In practice, discussing health care at outreach shows to be an effective way of getting access to FSW and to refer to social services and general sexual health if needed. Moreover, in the future online outreach needs to be expanded to contact and to empower hidden (and often illegal) FSW.
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