Conference Details
International Committee
Plenary Speakers
Presenting Speakers
Scientific Committee
Abstract #2101 - Biomedical prevention
Session: 13.3: Biomedical prevention (Oral poster discussion) on Wednesday @ 13.30-14.30 in Poster room 2 Chaired by Catherine Hankins, Sara Paparini
Authors: Presenting Author: Mr Ralph Spijker - Soa Aids Nederland, Netherlands
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Aim: Medical and nursing professionals in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention and care have to be aware of the impact of TasP on their practices, and therefor work towards a level of shared understanding. STI aids Netherlands constructed in close collaboration with professionals from the communities of practice (COP) of Dutch medical association on HIV (NVHB) and the Dutch Nursing Association on HIV (VCH), an online workshop pilot. STI AIDS Netherlands is interested if an online workshop is accepted as a strategy to enhance professionals’ opinion construction.
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Method / Issue: The online workshop focussed on constructing opinion about TasP and implications for medical practice and public health. It was build on principles of social-constructivism with an active learning approach. An elearning designer (STI AIDS Netherlands) facillitated the process contructing a challenging and interactive online workshop. This workshop got accredited by the Dutch medical and nursing associations.
In a period of 4 weeks time, 23 medical professionals in HIV/AIDS care and prevention participated in the online workshop facilitated through a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). During the workshop, professionals participated in 5 learning activities. Each learning activity offered a specific focus on TasP related to medical practise. A learning activity is constructed by a learning strategy incorporating a mix of online recources (articles and video’s), a social feedback tool (poll), communication tool (forum), cases and a list with factors. The latter, derived from literature and expert opinions, about the influence on the starting point of treatment and the continuum of care and treatment.
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Results / Comments: Results show that:
1. All participants expecience that the workshop content matches their level of knowledge and experience,
2. Allmost 90% of the participants reached the learning goals,
3. 80% of the participants experienced that the workhop content matches reflect on the learning goals,
4. 76% claims the workshop is usefull for their daily practice while 24% have a neutral opinion about this.
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Discussion: TasP as a strategy in the fight against HIV/AIDS and demands that medical and nursing professionals share mutual understanding and are aware of the implications for their practise in care and public health. Constructing an online workhop together with professionals, ing specific learning strategies, resources and Web 2.0 communication tools results in a high level of acceptance of online learning. While the group of participating professionals was relatively small, further study has to done on motivation and processes of engagement in online learning. Results are promising to continue constructing and exploring online learning for medical and nursing professionals in the field of HIV/AIDS care and prevention.
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