Barcelona 2013
Barcelona 2013
Abstract book - Abstract - 86
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Conference Details
International Committee
Plenary Speakers
Presenting Speakers
Scientific Committee
Abstract #86  -  E-Posters English
  50.47: E-Posters English (Poster) on Sunday   in  Chaired by
  Presenting Author:   Mr KAMGUE KOPGUEP JEAN JULES - COLIBRI, Cameroon
  Additional Authors:  Dr. Jordi Casabona, Sra Cristina Sanclemente, Dra. Anna  Esteve, Dra. Victoria Gonzalez, Grupo HIVITS TS,  
? Homely of Monsignor Victor Tonye Bakot, Archbishop of Yaoundé, on December 25, 2005 condemning homosexual practices, ? Publication of the top 50 list of government officials suspected to be homosexuals and lesbians in January 2006 ; ? Death of an Men who have sex with Men, founding member of Colibri, following an anal operation in 2005,
Method / Issue:
? Presentation of the aforementioned issues at the General Assembly in 2006, ? Sensitization meetings on the role and use of HIV/AIDS prevention among Men who have sex with Men, ? Amendment and validation of statutes and implication of values such as non - judgment, the respect of human rights and tolerance, ? Creation of an Men who have sex with Men support group within the organization, ? Search for partners and allies, ? Capacity building seminars for Men who have sex with Men leaders, ? Mapping of Men who have sex with Men venues within the intervention area; ? Development of HIV/AIDS prevention actions on the Internet and holding of talks centered on Men who have sex with Men issues, and distribution of condoms and lubricants;
Results / Comments:
? The members of the organization are more tolerant towards Men who have sex with Men; ? Topics related to homosexuality are discussed during meetings; ? Men who have sex with Men are part of the organization governing bodies; ? Actions targeting MSM are presented and discussed at the Health Platform meetings; ? Through sensitization, the organization has moved from 02 Men who have sex with Men in 2005 to 56 in 2013; ? Two Men who have sex with Men support groups are now operational in other towns; ? 12 meeting venues have been identified, and educational talks organized there; ? More than ten Men who have sex with Men have been tested for HIV/AIDS.
Lessons learned ? Homosexuality is not an imported phenomenon, it is a reality in African societies, ? MSM have the same rights as everyone else, ? MSM are not a problem, but a solution to stem the HIV epidemic, ? The gay and HIV/AIDS issue is a burning concern that strongly appeals to all actors involved in the fight. ? Les differences must be a factor of progress. Perspectives Share our experience of involving Men who have sex with Men in our organization.
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