DRAFT Programme
Please note: This is a draft only. Not all sessions details are shown. The details shown here are not final
Click on abstract title to display full abstract
Sunday - 29th |
| # | Title | Type | Day | Times | Room | Chairs |
1 |
Marty Fishbein Memorial State of the Art Plenary |
Plenary |
Sunday |
14.30-16.45 |
Teatre |
Kees Rietmeijer, Mireia Jane, Bruno Spire |
Sun |
2 |
Opening Ceremony |
Plenary |
Sunday |
17.15-18.45 |
Teatre |
Jordi Blanch, David Dalmau, Bridgette Prince |
Monday - 30th |
| # | Title | Type | Day | Times | Room | Chairs |
3 |
Plenary |
Plenary |
Monday |
09.00-10.30 |
Teatre |
Juan Carlos Lopez Bernaldo de Quiros, Lucie Cluver, Daniel Zulaica |
Mon |
4 |
Testing |
Parallel |
Monday |
11.00-13.00 |
Teatre |
Dominic W. Makawiti, Frans van den Boom, Lorna Leal |
Mon |
4.1 |
Wang, Lau, Li
Repeated HIV voluntary counseling and testing increases risk behaviors among some men who have sex with men in China
4.2 |
Mayhew, Ploubidis, Church, Friend duPreeze, Obure, Sweeney, Watts, Warren, Birdthistle, Vassell
Assessing Impact of Integrated HIV testing programmes: the Integra Index
4.3 |
Lorente, Préau, Sagaon-Teyssier, Le Gall, Mabire, Suzan-Monti, Mora, Spire
Satisfaction with community-based non-medicalized testing using HIV rapid tests among MSM in France
4.4 |
Pujol Roca, Saz, Taboada, Pérez, Pérez, Carrillo, Font, Marazzi, Cabrero, Marín, Uya, Ditzel, Coll, Meulbroek
BCN Checkpoint, un centro comunitario en Barcelona para la detección del VIH en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), logra una alta detección de casos de VIH y una tasa de derivación sanitaria del 90,5%
4.5 |
Arrillaga, Arrillaga, Zulaica, Sanz, Lajo, Sanz, Martinez, Ortega
Test rápidos de VIH y de sífilis en farmacias del País Vasco, cuatro años de experiencia, 2009-2012.
4.6 |
Loos, Namanya, Manirankunda, Albers, Vermoesen, Platteau, Fransen, Nöstlinger
New technology is good, because people don't like blood taking. A qualitative study assessing the acceptability and feasibility of outreach HIV-testing using oral fluid collection devices among sub-Saharan African migrants
4.7 |
Hoyos, Fernández-Balbuena, Sánchez, Ruiz, Figueroa, Belza
La prueba del VIH no se realiza en gran parte de los diagnósticos de infecciones de transmisión sexual.
4.8 |
Martínez Alonso, Rifà Vilaró, Giménez Masat, Guayta Escolies, Jané Checa
Does the fact of being a foreigner mean a higher risk of HIV infection? El hecho de ser extranjero implica un mayor riesgo de infección por el VIH?
5 |
MSD Ageing |
Parallel |
Monday |
11.00-13.00 |
Raval |
Maria Jose Fuster, Celia Miralles |
Mon |
6 |
Psychological state |
Parallel |
Monday |
11.00-13.00 |
Auditorio |
Barbara Hedge, Susannah Allison |
Mon |
6.1 |
Verdes, Lazar, Dascalu, Henry, Fugon, Otis, Préau
Psychosocial factors associated to the satisfaction in sex life of PLHIV
6.2 |
Skeen, Tomlinson, Croome, Sherr
Evidence from interventions to improve psychosocial outcomes in children affected by HIV: an update
6.3 |
Barber, Katsarolis, Bansi, Pozniak, Asboe, Nelson, Moyle, Boffito, Davies, Margetts, Ratcliffe, Thornton, Gazzard, Catalan
Baseline data from the MSM Neurocog Study
6.4 |
Stolte, Kuiper, Schouten, Wit, Reiss, Sluiter, Prins
Prevalence and determinants of non-participation in paid work among ageing HIV-1 infected and HIV-uninfected individuals.
6.5 |
Kurtz, Buttram, Surratt, Chen
Resilience measures predict 12-month continuous safe sex behaviors among highly vulnerable MSM following intervention
6.6 |
Harding, Simms, Penfold, Powell, Mwangi-Powell, Downing, Ali, Namisango, Gikaara, Atieno, Higginson
Palliative care-related problems among HIV outpatients in East Africa: cross-sectional study
6.7 |
Rourke, Rachlis, Gill, Carvalhal, Kovacs, Brunetta, Arbess, Collins, Burchell, Raboud, Rosenes, Reinhard, Atkinson, McCombe, Pick, Bekele, Marcotte, Letendre, Brain Health in HIV/AIDS
Neuropsychological status and medical comorbidities independently contribute to health-related quality of life in persons living with HIV/AIDS: Results from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study
6.8 |
Wilson d'Almeida, Dray-Spira, Aubrière, Hamelin, Spire, Lert,
MSM over 50 years and not self-defined as gay more at risk of late presentation at HIV diagnosis: Results of the ANRS-Vespa2 study, France, 2011.
6.9 |
Rosales, Figueroa, Belza, Molist, Hoyos, De la Fuente
¿Cuántos y quiénes estarían dispuestos a pagar el precio que tiene actualmente el autotest de VIH en Estados Unidos? Un estudio basado en la opinión de quienes se hacen la prueba rápida en un programa en la calle.
7 |
Cómo afecta la crisis a la prevención y la atención clínica del VIH en España? |
Parallel |
Monday |
11.00-13.00 |
Aula 1 |
David Dalmau, Albert Gimenez |
Mon |
8 |
Co-infection |
Parallel |
Monday |
11.00-13.00 |
Mirador |
Ugochukwu Amanyeiwe, Tim Rhodes, Lapidos Salaiz |
Mon |
8.1 |
Pereira, Fialho, Canavarro
Prevalence and correlates of emotional distress in HIV/HCV co-infection
8.2 |
Van der Veldt, Lambers, Prins, Davidovich
Multiple barriers to prevent HCV reinfection following HCV treatment: a qualitative study in HIV-infected men who have sex with men with acute HCV
8.3 |
Addictive behaviors and hepatitis C virus (HCV) clearance following treatment: exploratory study among HIV-HCV co-infected patients (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH)
8.4 |
Llions, Carrieri, Sogni, Winnock, Roux, Mora, Bonnard, Salmon, Dabis, Spire
Positive effect of elevated coffee consumption and daily chocolate intake on liver enzymes in HIV-HCV infected individuals: results from the ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort study
8.5 |
Esteve, Miro, Campbell, Gallois, Podzamczer, Tural, Murillas, Segura, Cifuentes, Casabona,
CD4 increase induced by long‐term cART in antiretroviral naïve HIV‐infected and HIV/HCV coinfected patients in the PISCIS Cohort.
8.6 |
Fernández-Dávila, Folch, Ferrer, Soriano, Díez, Casabona
La infección por el virus de la Hepatitis C y su relación con ciertas prácticas sexuales en Hombres que tienen Sexo con Hombres en España
8.7 |
Niebla Fuentes, Paz Ayar, Mata Marín, Acosta Cázares
Investigación de los factores de riesgo para la Coinfección de TB-VIH/SIDA: un estudio de casos y controles en México.
8.8 |
LEOBON, Otis, Chicoine Brathwaite, McFadyen
Ways of participating in sex parties where Slam is practiced, among barebacker Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), according to Net Gay baromètre (NGB) 2013
9 |
Multicenter Study of QOL of PWHIV - Psychological interventions |
Lunchtime |
Monday |
13.15-14.15 |
Raval |
Carmina Fumaz |
Mon |
9.1 |
Remor, Fuster
Desarrollo y propiedades psicométricas del instrumento para la evaluación de los predictores psicológicos del bienestar y la calidad de vida en personas con VIH.
9.2 |
Mayordomo, Larrañaga, Fumaz
Diferencias de género y predictores de la calidad de vida
9.3 |
Fumaz, Ballester-Arnal, Ferrando-Vilalta, Gómez-Martínez, González-García, Ruiz-Palomino
Intervención psicoeducativa para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA
9.4 |
Agirrezabal, Ferrando, Fumaz, Fuster, Sandra, Madrigal, Molero
Definiendo la calidad de vida desde el punto de vista de las personas con vih: una aproximación discursiva.
10 |
South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence and Behaviour Survey, 2012. Discordancy and HIV in South Africa among sexual partners and mother-child pairs |
Lunchtime |
Monday |
13.15-14.15 |
Auditorio |
Mon |
11 |
HIV Stigma, the mental health elephant in the room |
Workshop |
Monday |
13.15-14.15 |
Aula 1 |
Dr Tomas Campbell, Dr Jayne Griffiths |
Mon |
12 |
REPSSI - Strengthening multidisciplinary teams: Promoting a protective environment for children and families affected by AIDS |
Lunchtime |
Monday |
13.15-14.15 |
Mirador |
Lisa Langhaugh |
Mon |
13 |
Adherence |
Parallel |
Monday |
14.30-16.00 |
Teatre |
Araceli Rousaud, Stuart Gibson |
Mon |
13.1 |
Remien, Mellins, Robbins, Stein, Lalkhen, Rowe, Kelsey, Abrams, Witte
Masivukeni: A Multimedia ART Adherence Intervention for Resource-Limited Settings
13.2 |
Frize, McDonald, Foster, Fidler, Kocsis
Behavioural change program for adherence in young people with perinatally acquired HIV using financial incentives and Motivational Interviewing.
13.3 |
Van der Straten, Cheng, Mensch, Katzen, Friedland, Littlefield, Buckley, Espinoza, Keller, Herold, Einstein
Acceptability and feasibility of the Wisebag compared to other methods for assessing adherence to daily microbicide gel use in the Bronx, NY
13.4 |
Lowenthal, Marukutira, Mokete, Riva, Tshume, Marape, Anabwani, Gross, Glanz
Establishing construct validity of psychosocial assessment tools and exploring previously under-appreciated correlates of medication adherence in HIV African adolescents
13.5 |
Fatti, Manjezi, Mini, Mothibi, Grimwood
Community-Based Adherence Support Improves Outcomes for Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Treatment in South Africa
13.6 |
Hevia, Viciana, Ocampo, Palazuelos, Ledesma, Dalmau
Influyen las caracteristicas socio-demográficas en la elección de la terapia antiretroviral de inicio : Estudio Perfil-es
13.7 |
Domingo, Gutiérrez, Viciana, Falcó, Castaño, Santos, Olalla, Hernando, Deig, Clotet, Knobel
Pacientes con indicación de tratamiento antirretroviral que no lo reciben. Cuando el paciente no quiere iniciar el TAR.
13.8 |
Marin, Marin, Romero, Rodriguez, Hornero, Barrenetxea, Marti-Belda, Casado
percepción del estado de salud, satisfacción con el tratamiento y discontinuación de terapia en pacientes VIH en primera línea de tratamiento antirretroviral: importancia de los factores dependientes del paciente.
14 |
Theory and Overview |
Parallel |
Monday |
14.30-16.00 |
Raval |
Richard Harding, Sheana Bull |
Mon |
14.1 |
O'Brien, Solomon, Baxter, Casey, Chegwidden, MacLachlan, MacDermid, Tynan, Robinson, Trentham, Wu, Zack
Evidence-Informed Recommendations in Rehabilitation for Older Adults Living with HIV: A Knowledge Synthesis
14.2 |
Croome, Sherr, Bradshaw, Parra Castaneda
Understanding neurocognitive factors in paediatric HIV infection
14.3 |
Rojas Castro, Fournier, Foureur, Quatremère, Labrouve, Pascal, Jauffret-Rustide
Using a Rapid Assessment Process (RAP) to describe an emergent phenomenon: the "Slam" practice in France.
14.4 |
HENRY, Demange, Preau
Linking research and intervention: A methodological toolkit for researchers and community actors willing to engage in research collaboration
14.5 |
Finitsis, Pellowski, Fox, Kalichman
Use of visual analogue scale (VAS) to measure adherence: A systematic quantitative review
14.6 |
Velter, Saboni, Bouyssou, Semaille
Characterizing HIV contamination and transmission risk among MSM living in France using a risk behaviors scale. Results of Enquête Presse Gay 2011.
15 |
Sex Workers |
Parallel |
Monday |
14.30-16.00 |
Auditorio |
Jeffrey Fisher, Angels Jaen |
Mon |
15.1 |
Brigand, Bladou, Boisserolles, Toullier, Rojas Castro, Peron, Trepont
Social and health issues, panorama of the situations of sex workers in the south of France near the Spanish border in 2012
15.2 |
Li, Zhang, Hong, Su, Zhou
Relationship between female sex workers and gatekeeper: the impacts on female sex worker's mental health in China
15.3 |
Tinajeros, Artiles, Farach, Mendoza, Flores, Guardado
Analysis of STI prevalence and condom use among sex workers attending STI clinics in Honduras, 2006-2012
15.4 |
Ekstrand, Solomon, Solomon, Vasudevan, Srikrishnan, Heylen, Shamban, Kumarasamy
The role of violence, alcohol and home-based sex work in HIV risk in India: Implications for multi-level interventions
15.5 |
Zulliger, Barrington, Perez, Donastorg, Kerrigan
Barriers on the way to treatment: Experiences of female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and transgender women along the treatment cascade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
15.6 |
Folch, Casabona, Sanclemente, Esteve, Gonzalez, HIVITS-TS
Tendencias en la prevalencia del VIH y de las conductas de riesgo asociadas en mujeres trabajadoras del sexo en Cataluña (2005-2011)
16 |
HIV Prevention in Europe |
Parallel |
Monday |
14.30-16.00 |
Aula 1 |
Cinthia Menel Lemos, Javier Toledo |
Mon |
16.1 |
Everywhere model MSM prevention
16.2 |
Correlation network: improve prevention, care and treatment services, targeting blood-borne infectious diseases (BBID), in particular Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS, among drug users (IDUs)
16.3 |
Rhodes, Donoghoe
The Making of Patient Citizenship in the Treatment of HCV and HIV: Insights from qualitative research in Europe
16.4 |
Casabona i Barbara
The COBATEST project: community based testing in Europe - working together.
16.5 |
Nöstlinger, Platteau, Jozefien, Helps, Kocsis, .
Eurosupport 6: Effectiveness of a computer-assisted intervention to reduce sexual risk behaviour among people living with HIV (MSM and migrants)
17 |
Information Technologies |
Parallel |
Monday |
14.30-16.00 |
Mirador |
Ferran Pujol, Mark Tomlinson |
Mon |
17.1 |
Platteau, Nöstlinger, Helps, Dias, Joanna, Agnes, Jozefien
Evaluation of a Computerized Intervention for Safer Sex (CISS) for people living with HIV (Eurosupport 6)
17.2 |
Noestlinger, Platteau, Diaz, Buyze, Kocsis
Positive prevention with migrants living with HIV: developing and evaluating computerised tools for sexual risk reduction
17.3 |
Snyder, Christensen
The Potential for Video Games as a Format for HIV Interventions
17.4 |
Prescott, Mustanski, DuBois, Ybarra
Developing an HIV prevention text messaging-based intervention for adolescent gay, bisexual, and queer men: Online focus groups to confirm program components
17.5 |
Solomon, Salbach, O'Brien, Worthington, Baxter, Blanchard, Casey, Chegwidden, Dolan, Eby, Gervais
Increasing capacity in rehabilitation in the management of HIV: A case-based e-mail intervention
17.6 |
Arrillaga, Zulaica, Arrillaga, Sanz, Lajo
STI Online outpatient clinic for MSM. A pilot experience in a public health service
17.7 |
Davidovich, Heijman
An online sexual health intervention designed to support MSM directly after HIV diagnosis
18 |
Risk |
Symposium |
Monday |
16.30-18.30 |
Teatre |
Susan Kiene, Olivia Castillo |
Mon |
18.1 |
IBARRA LORENZO, Fernandez San Pedro, Bueno Pozo, Curiel Serradilla, Sanz Arias, Romero Pareja, Robledillo Pulgarin, Sanchez Leiva, Gomez, Martinez, Muriel, Pérez-Elías
Evaluación de un cuestionario de prácticas de riesgo y enfermedades indicadoras de VIH (CuestR-VIH), para predecir el riesgo de infección VIH (Inf-VIH).
18.2 |
Vanden Berghe, Nöstlinger, Hospers, Laga
International mobility, sexual behaviour and HIV-related characteristics of men who have sex with men residing in Belgium
18.3 |
Möller, Davidovich, Geskus, Prins, Stolte
Cohort effects in sexual risk behaviour among HIV negative MSM
18.4 |
McFadyen, Otis, Blais, Haig, Fadel, Rousseau, Wainberg
Beyond unprotected anal intercourse, what do HIV negative gay and bisexual men really do? : latent class analysis draws a complex portrait of risk reduction strategies
18.5 |
Blais, Hebert, Lavoie, Gervais
The Role of Interpersonal Trauma in Sexual Risk Profiles of Quebec's (Canada) Heterosexual and Non-Exclusively Heterosexual Male Youths Aged 14 to 21: A Latent Profile Approach
18.6 |
Conducta sexual y riesgo para las ITS/VIH de los adolescentes en España: diferencias en función del género
18.7 |
Kidman, Thurman
Power imbalances in intimate relationships: The experience of adolescent orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa
18.8 |
LEOBON, Otis, Velter, Chicoine Brathwaite
Comparison of the 2009 and 2013 editions of the Net Gay Baromètre survey for indicators of sexual risk behaviour among MSM
19 |
BMS - SHE (Es) |
Roundtable |
Monday |
16.30-18.30 |
Raval |
Mª Jose Fuster, Celia Miralles |
Mon |
20 |
Gender in the Equation: Not Just Treatment as Prevention |
Workshop |
Monday |
16.30-18.30 |
Auditorio |
Dr Wendee Wechsberg |
Mon |
20.1 |
Wechsberg, Doherty, Kline, Ndirangu, Zule
Differences between sex worker and non sex worker women in Tshwane, South Africa on substance use, sex risk, violence and HIV: Uncommon disparity
20.2 |
Van der Straten
Participant's perspectives on use of oral and topical antiretrovirals (ARV) for HIV prevention in Johannesburg, South Africa: the VOICE-C study
20.3 |
Montgomery, Stadler, Hartmann, Magee, Magazi, Mathebula, Soto-Torres, Van der Straten
Male partner roles and influence on women's use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in Johannesburg
20.4 |
Microbicides for HIV prevention: contributions of social and behavioral science
20.5 |
Wechsberg, Doherty, Kline, Lane, Ndirangu, Carney, Myers, Parry, Browne, Emanual, Zule, Miller
HIV serodiscordance and incidence among young Black African couples in South Africa: Is being a female a risk factor for HIV-infection?
21 |
La Monitorización de la Epidemia del VIH: algo más que la declaración de casos |
Parallel |
Monday |
16.30-18.30 |
Aula 1 |
Jordi Casabona, Patricia Cabre |
Mon |
22 |
Drugs and Alcohol |
Parallel |
Monday |
16.30-18.30 |
Mirador |
Sam Friedman, Rosa Mansilla |
Mon |
22.1 |
Marie, Costagliola, Blanche, Beaudoux, Leruez-Ville, Mascard, Rouzioux, Ghosn, Spire
Cannabis use is a correlate of HIV-1 seminal shedding in Men who have sex with Men with sustained undetectable blood viral load (EVARIST, ANRS EP49)
22.3 |
Kelly, Mustillo, Stolte, Davidovich
Changes in Substance Use within the Gay Community since the Introduction of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy: A Longitudinal Analysis
22.4 |
Elkington, Elkington, Bauermeister, SantaMaria, Fernandez, Mellins
Substance use and the development of sexual risk behaviors in perinatally HIV-infected youth: A longitudinal study
22.5 |
Kekwaletswe, Morojele
Patterns and predictors of antiretroviral therapy (ART) taking among alcohol drinkers at HIV clinics in Tshwane, South Africa
22.6 |
Tron, Lert, Annequin, Aubrière, Spire, Dray-Spira, ANRS-Vespa2 study group
Tobacco smoking among the various subgroups of people living with HIV in France: data from the ANRS-Vespa 2 survey
22.7 |
Gu, Lau, Xu, Chen, Guo
Using a special case crossover design to analyze contextual factors predicting attendance versus non-attendance of methadone maintenance treatment in Guangzhou, China
22.8 |
Buttram, Kurtz
Group Sex Events and HIV Risk among Young Adult Multidrug Users
Tuesday - 1th |
| # | Title | Type | Day | Times | Room | Chairs |
23 |
Plenary |
Plenary |
Tuesday |
09.00-10.30 |
Teatre |
Avrom Sherr, Bonaventura Clotet, Barbara Hedge |
Tue |
24 |
Prevention |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
11.00-13.00 |
Teatre |
Cate Hankins, Antonio Alcantara |
Tue |
24.1 |
Schur, Nyamukapa, Gregson
Awareness and uptake of HIV intervention and prevention services in Manicaland, Zimbabwe: Current determinants of coverage and progress over time
24.2 |
Beltzer, Saboni
The evolution of perception and use of condom as mean of HIV prevention in France from 1992 to 2010
24.3 |
Castro Calvo, Ruiz, Ballester, Gil, Giménez
Modelo predictivo del uso del preservativo en el coito vaginal
24.4 |
D'Anna, Margolis, Warner, Korosteleva, O'Donnell, Rietmeijer, Klausner, Malotte
Differences in condom use for receptive anal intercourse among women and men who have sex with men (MSM): Findings from the Safe in the City Study
24.5 |
Adam, De Wit, Friboulet, Alexandre
Willingness to use pre-exposure prophylaxis and perceived consequences in terms of condom use: a survey of men who have sex with men in France
24.6 |
Paricio Salas, Costa Guillem, Bertran De Bes, Lucero Gutiérrez, Ortuño Tomas
la evaluación de la prevención del VIH en jóvenes escolarizados
24.7 |
Otis, Caruso, Blais, Veillette, Rousseau, Wainberg, Lorente, Préau, Le Gall, Suzan-Monti, Spire
Implementation of rapid HIV testing for MSM in community settings: ANRS-DRAG (France) and SPOT (Canada), two contexts, same challenges!
24.8 |
Gomez-Pintado, Acín, Diaz
Utilización del preservativo entre los internados en prisión. Resultados de la ESDIP 2011
25 |
Well Being and Life Expectancy |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
11.00-13.00 |
Raval |
Xiaoming Li, Carlos Mur |
Tue |
25.1 |
Gil, Hernandez, Garcia, Arboleda
National HIV/AIDS adult mortality trends in Guatemala, 2005-2009
25.2 |
Spire, Protopopescu, Vilotitch, Douab, Marcellin, Carrieri, Suzan-Monti, Dray-Spira
Health-related quality of life of people living with HIV: does it improve for all individuals?
25.3 |
Sherr, Lampe, Speakman, Phillips, Collins, Gilson, Johnson, Fisher, Wilkins, Rogers, Anderson, Group
Psychological and Physical symptoms experience and its relationship to sexual behaviour among HIV diagnosed MSM in the UK
25.4 |
Lowther, Harding, Higginson, Simms, Ahmed, Gikaara, Afuande, Zuhura, Sherr, Kariuki, Ali, Selman
A mixed methods randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the effectiveness of a palliative care intervention on psychosocial outcomes in HIV positive patients on ART in Kenya
25.5 |
Croome, Skeen, Tomlinson, Miltz, Sherr, Macedo
Food security and mental health in children affected by HIV attending community-based programmes
25.6 |
TOULLIER, Chaussignand, Andreo, Rojas Castro, Bonifay-Besson
Quality of life among PLWHA with a residence permits for health reasons in France: results from an associative platform
25.7 |
Aslanov, Mugford
HPV genotype distribution and oncogene expression in HIV-positive adults and the underlying risk factors for anal, oral and genital malignancy: An Atlantic Canada prospective cohort study.
25.8 |
Lorente, Demoulin, Marcellin, Suzan-Monti, Préau, Dray-Spira, Lert, Spire
No risk compensation among people living with HIV in France: first results from the ANRS-Vespa2 Survey
26 |
Law and Ethics |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
11.00-13.00 |
Auditorio |
Jordi Petit, Vincent Douris |
Tue |
26.1 |
Leyva-Moral, De Dios, Mestres, Lluva
La vida tras el diagnóstico de vih: conviviendo con la incertidumbre constante
26.2 |
Zamora Fuente, Cosano Prieto, Lozano
Conflictos Éticos en el VIH/sida
26.3 |
Del Amo, Bolumar-Montero, Fuster, Weaitt, Alventosa, Del Amo
Time trends and characteristics of legal complains for allegued sexual HIV transmission in Spain, 1996-2012
26.4 |
Palattiyil, Sidhva, Zimunya
Human Rights, Globalisation and Asylum Seekers: Experiences of HIV-Positive Asylum Seekers in Scotland
26.5 |
Fuster Ruiz de Apodaca, Bolumar, Del Amo, Weait, Molero, Alventosa
A psychosocial analysis of sentences judging the sexual transmission of HIV to third persons in Spain.
26.6 |
Miller, Miller, Ibarra, Wagner
New Ethical Decision-making Guidance for Carers working with Highly-stigmatized Children and Families
26.7 |
Sidhva, Palattiyil, Zimunya
From Vulnerability to Vulnerability: Experiences of HIV-Positive Women Fleeing Violence, Abuse and Conflict in Africa to Seek Asylum in the United Kingdom
26.8 |
Paparini, Paparini
HIV discrimination in the UK: an intersectional approach
27 |
Comorbilidades e Infección por VIH |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
11.00-13.00 |
Aula 1 |
Jesús Téllez, Manel Crespo |
Tue |
28 |
New Challenges for Clinical Psychology in HIV Infection Today |
Symposium |
Tuesday |
11.00-13.00 |
Mirador |
Dr Jose A Munoz Moreno, Antonia Raich |
Tue |
29 |
Social and Behavior Change Communication to Prevent HIV. Global impact. |
Lunchtime |
Tuesday |
13.15-14.15 |
Raval |
Michelle Kaufman |
Tue |
30 |
Theory-and evidence based messageing for male circumcision uptake |
Lunchtime |
Tuesday |
13.15-14.15 |
Auditorio |
Dr Danuta Kasprzyk, Dr Daniel Montano |
Tue |
30.1 |
Kasprzyk, Montaño, Valentine, Gorn, Hamilton, Muromo, Tshimanga
Symposium. A system to design theory- and evidence-based messaging for male circumcision uptake: Translating research results to evidence-based messages
30.2 |
Montano, Kasprzyk, Hamilton, Gorn, Muromo, Valentine, Down, Tshimanga
Symposium. A system to design theory- and evidence-based messaging for male circumcision uptake: Message testing study phase
30.3 |
Down, Montano, Kasprzyk, Hamilton, Tshimanga
A system to design theory- and evidence-based messaging for male circumcision uptake: Elicitation study phase
30.4 |
Hamilton, Hamilton, Montano, Kasprzyk, Tshimanga, Gorn
Symposium. A system to design theory- and evidence-based messaging for male circumcision uptake: Quantitative study phase
30.5 |
Valentine, Kasprzyk, Montano, Gorn, Hamilton, Muromo, Tshimanga
Symposium. A system to design theory- and evidence-based messaging for male circumcision uptake: Design of posters for evidence-based messages
31 |
Proyectos de Investigación SEISIDA |
Lunchtime |
Tuesday |
13.15-14.15 |
Aula 1 |
Arantxa Arrillaga, Enrique Ortega |
Tue |
31.1 |
Caracteristicas del tratamiento antirretroviral: valoracion y preferencias de los pacientes con vih en España (antiretroviral features: valuation and preferences of patients with HIV in Spain
31.1 |
Arazo, Fuster Ruiz de Apodaca, Castro, Lopez, Miralles, Segador, Dalmau
Características del tratamiento antirretroviral: valoración y preferencias de los pacientes con VIH en España (Antiretroviral treatment characteristics: HIV patients' valuation and preferences in Spain)
31.2 |
Fuster, Arrillaga, Molero, Nouvilas, Toledo
Actitudes la población española ante el test de VIH (Attitudes of the Spanish population towards HIV testing)
32 |
Lunchtime |
Tuesday |
13.15-14.15 |
Mirador |
48 |
Methodological challenges in developing a social science perspective on the global HIV pandemic |
Lunchtime |
Tuesday |
13.15-14.15 |
Teatre |
Iriyna Zablotska |
Tue |
33 |
Health Care Provision |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
14.30-16.00 |
Teatre |
Salvador Gausà, Brenda Spencer |
Tue |
33.1 |
Reijer, Riess, Kelders, Pagnaroat
Retention of ART clients in treatment at 60 months at an urban HIV clinic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
33.2 |
Diaz, Diez, Herrando, Hospitales participantes en la Encuesta Hospitalaria de pacientes VIH
Factores asociados a carga viral indetectable en pacientes VIH en tratamiento. Resultados de la Encuesta hospitalaria de pacientes VIH, 2002-2011
33.3 |
Kelders, Riess, Reijer, Kiwanuka, Otim
Analysis of the cascade of care in a multi-site Test & Treat program in Masaka, Uganda
33.4 |
Malo, Hancco-Saavedra, Malo-Aznar, Martinez-Cuenca, Enríquez-Martín, Toledo-Pallarés, Adiego-Sancho
Cuál es la utilización de servicios de Atención Primaria en las personas con VIH en Aragón?
33.5 |
Fuster Ruiz de Apodaca, Arazo, Castro, Lopez, Miralles, Ortega, Segador, Dalmau
Health professionals' attitudes towards people with HIV in Spain
33.6 |
George, Surgey, Gow
South Africa's private sector investment in training and its erosion as a result of HIV and AIDS
34 |
Pregnancy and Childbearing |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
14.30-16.00 |
Raval |
Victorio Torres, Malega Kganakga, Judith Auerbach |
Tue |
34.1 |
Kidman, Anglewicz
Fertility desires and childbearing among orphaned youth in Malawi
34.2 |
Cooper, Bekker, Wallace
"Holding the 'baby' Addressing the sexual and reproductive health needs of youth living with HIV in South Africa
34.3 |
Tomlinson, Tomlinson, Le Roux, Rotheram-Borus, Doherty, Jackson
Community based maternal and child health: Implications of two randomized controlled trials for HIV programming
34.5 |
Gourlay, Birdthistle, Wringe, Mshana, Mkwashapi, Nsigaye, Urassa, Zaba
Challenges with male involvement in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services in rural Tanzania: views of fathers, mothers and providers
34.6 |
Fatti, Ngonzo, Grimwood
The Effectiveness of an Early Child Development Training Intervention for Caregivers of HIV-Affected Households in South Africa
35 |
Educational Challenges |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
14.30-16.00 |
Auditorio |
Maria Ekstrand, Kelly O'Brien |
Tue |
35.1 |
Orkin, Cluver, Boyes, Sherr
State social welfare grants in high HIV context have greatest impact on reducing school dropout for orphaned girls
35.2 |
Pufall, Robertson, Nyamukapa, Takaruz, Chawira, Gregson
Poorer educational outcomes amongst HIV-affected children in eastern Zimbabwe
35.3 |
Ybarra, Mwaba
Exposure to and interest in HIV prevention education among adolescents in Cape Town, South Africa
35.4 |
A qualitative exploration of the challenges teachers face in teaching sexuality, HIV and AIDS education to learners with disabilities
35.5 |
Ybarra, Mitchell
The research justification for HIV prevention programming for lesbian and bisexual adolescent females
35.6 |
HIV and people with disabilities: identifying gaps and suggestions for inclusive practice
36 |
Prevencion y politica sanitaria en America Central ey el Caribe |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
14.30-16.00 |
Aula 1 |
Begona Rodriguez, Jordi Casabona |
Tue |
37 |
Disclosure |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
14.30-16.00 |
Mirador |
George Palattiyil, Ashraf Kagee |
Tue |
37.1 |
Marie, Blanche, Marcellin, Dray-Spira, Préau, Lert, Spire
Living with HIV in France in 2011: correlates of HIV status disclosure to close family members, friends and colleagues (data from the national survey ANRS Vespa2)
37.2 |
ABADIE, Loukid, Hilali, Fugon, Henry, Otis, Rafif, Himmich, Ouarsas, Préau
Factors independently associated with disclosure to a steady sexual partner in PLHIV from the Moroccan HIV/AIDS community-based organization ALCS
37.3 |
Mamadou, Samba, Bintou, Emilie, Lionel, Joanne, Marie
Factors associated with HIV disclosure to one's stable sexual partner (SSP) in Mali
37.4 |
Desgrees du Lou, Fassassi, Niangoran, Danel, Badje, Ntakpe, Menan Kouame, Dray-Spira, Jean, Eholie, Lert, Anglaret
Disclosure of HIV positive status: gender differences within the TEMPRANO trial participants, Côte d'Ivoire - ANRS 12239
37.5 |
Choi, Choi, Steward, Hudes, Miège
Internalized and anticipated stigma, coping styles, disclosure of sexual orientation, and psychological distress among Chinese men who have sex with men (MSM) at high risk for HIV
37.6 |
Le Coeur, Lelièvre, Kanabkaew
HIV disclosure: the situation of adolescents born with HIV in Thailand
38 |
HIV and Sexual Well Being |
Workshop |
Tuesday |
16.30-17.30 |
Mirador |
Dr Poul Rohleder, Dr Stuart Gibson, Dr Katherine White |
Tue |
39 |
Mental Health |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
16.30-18.30 |
Teatre |
Philipe Adam, Jordi Blanch |
Tue |
39.1 |
Chi, Li, Zhao, Zhao, Hong, Qiao
Parenting competence and responsiveness mediate the impact of physical and emotional health of caregivers on psychological well-being of children affected by AIDS
39.2 |
Sherr, Tomlinson, Skeen, Croome
Depression and suicidal ideation in carers of children affected by HIV in South Africa and Malawi: family and community factors
39.3 |
Makusha, Richter
Children, women and men's experiences of support children receive from men in the context of HIV and AIDS and poverty in rural KwaZulu-Natal
39.4 |
Zhao, Qiao, Li, Chi, Zhao
Prospective effect of quality of care on mental health among children affected by HIV/AIDS in China
39.5 |
Thurman, Kidman, Taylor
Do home visiting programs improve wellbeing among orphans and vulnerable children? Evidence from a longitudinal evaluation of two programmatic approaches in South Africa.
39.6 |
Lin, Qiao, Li, Chi, Zhao, Zhao
Three-year cross-lagged analyses of loneliness and depression among children affected by HIV/AIDS in Henan, China
39.7 |
"If you leave food uncovered, a fly can poison it and then you will get HIV." How young children make meaning of HIV and AIDS related information
39.8 |
Li, Lau, Holroyd, Li
A qualitative study on mental health problems and associated socio-ecological factors among newly diagnosed HIV positive men who have sex with men in China
40 |
Biomedical Prevention |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
16.30-18.30 |
Raval |
Olive Shisana, Gerald Gorn |
Tue |
40.1 |
Montgomery, Van der Straten, Stadler, Magee, Hartmann, Laborde
Participants perspectives on use of oral and topical antiretrovirals (ARV) for HIV prevention in Johannesburg, South Africa: the VOICE-C study
40.2 |
Zablotska, Grulich, Prestage
Measuring the use of antiretroviral medications as preexposure prophylaxis among gay men
40.3 |
Desgrees du Lou, Niangoran, Fassassi, Gabillard, Moh, Danel, Le Carrou, Dray-Spira, Jean, Eholie, Lert, Anglaret
Social impact of very early anti-retroviral treatment within the TEMPRANO trial, Côte d'Ivoire - ANRS 12239
40.4 |
Gafos, Pool, McCormack, Elford
Exploring women's use of microbicides without their partner's knowledge: experiences from a predominately rural area of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
40.5 |
Van der Straten, Panther, Cheng, Hoesley, Husnik, Horm, Laborde, Nel, Nuttall, Soto-Torres, Chen
Adherence and acceptability of a multi-drug microbicide vaginal ring during a safety and pharmacokinetics trial in the US
40.6 |
Lau, Wang
A two-phase acceptability and pilot implementation trial on male circumcision among male heterosexual sexually transmitted disease patients in China
40.7 |
George, Govender, Frohlich, Chirawu
Creating demand for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) amongst adolescents in South Africa
40.8 |
Kasprzyk, Montaño, Hamilton, Down, Marrett, Tshimanga
Psychosocial findings from men following medical circumcision: Results from a Phase II comparison study of surgical and non-surgical device circumcision
41 |
Joint ActionTI para la mejora de la Calidad en los Preoyectos de prevenciÓn de VIH en Europa. Quality Action: Improving Quality in HIV Prevention (2013-2016) |
Workshop |
Tuesday |
16.30-18.30 |
Auditorio |
Dr Javier Toledo, Begoña Rodriguez |
Tue |
42 |
Cooperacion internacional |
Parallel |
Tuesday |
16.30-18.30 |
Aula 1 |
Daniel Zulaica, Rosa Polo |
Tue |
43 |
The Value of Mindfulness Training to HIV Individuals |
Workshop |
Tuesday |
17.30-18.30 |
Mirador |
Gabriela Moody, Anne-Marie Lewis |
Tue |
Wednesday - 2th |
| # | Title | Type | Day | Times | Room | Chairs |
44 |
Late Breaker |
Parallel |
Wednesday |
09.00-11.00 |
Aula 1 |
Ashraf Grimwood, Diane Cooper, Montse Pineda |
Wed |
44.1 |
Taylor, Karpiak, Weedon, Adedimeji, Goparaju, Levine, Gandhi, Cohen, Golub, Minkoff, Wilson
Aging and Longitudinal Trends in Sexual Behaviors Among Women With and Without HIV-1 Infection
44.2 |
Neuropsychological profiles of HIV patients undergoing neurorehabilitation
44.3 |
Prescott, Ybarra, DuBois, Parsons, Bull, Mustanski
Focus groups as a healthy sexuality intervention among gay, bisexual, and queer adolescent males
44.4 |
Farah, Chereia, Mulekia
Expanding the role of community mobilization to accelerate progress towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive.
44.5 |
De Alvaro, Polo, Miralles, Arazo, Pérez-Elías, Galindo, Mellaso, Cabrero, De ALvaro, Burgos
Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, quality of life and sexual sphere in HIV-infected (HIV) mature women in Spain. Comparison with non-HIV infected (HIV-) mature women. EVhA-3 Study (EVhA Stages Project).
44.7 |
Bhargava, Chauhan, Pati, Kaushik, Chundawat
Violence against female Sex-workers in South East-Asia: Review of Literature
44.8 |
Amanyeiwe, Amanyeiwe, Lapidos-Salaiz
Barriers to accessing Comprehensive Continuum of Care services for PLHIV
45 |
Gilead Treatment as Prevention |
Parallel |
Wednesday |
09.00-11.00 |
Raval |
Brian West |
Wed |
46 |
Stigma and Discrimination |
Parallel |
Wednesday |
09.00-11.00 |
Teatre |
Piedad Arazo, Joseph Lau |
Wed |
46.1 |
Molero, Fuster Ruiz de Apodaca, García, Agirrezabal, Gil de Montes, Nouvilas, Jaen
Evolution of HIV-Related Stigma in Spain between 2008 and 2012
46.2 |
Cruz, Cruz, Anes, Collado, Lasheras, Pires, Rico, Ultra, Morán, Pernas, Román, Arévalo, Aguirre
Confluencia del VIH y la violencia de género: sus efectos sobre la salud de las mujeres
46.3 |
Marsicano, Lert, Dray-Spira, Aubrière, Spire, Hamelin, ANRS-Vespa2 study group
Discrimination experienced by people living with HIV in France: from perceived reasons to underlying discriminatory processes. Results of the ANRS Vespa2 study.
46.4 |
Evangeli, Newell, Richter, McGrath
Stigma and HIV treatment and care programme loss to follow-up in patients eligible for antiretroviral therapy in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
46.5 |
Samson, Berg, Ross, Samson, Miller
The second closet: A qualitative study of HIV stigma among seropositive gay men in a southern U.S. city
46.6 |
Fernández-Balbuena, Maté, Rosales, Ruiz, Soriano, Belza
¿Cuántos y quiénes entre los HSH positivos siguen ocultando todavía su infección en España?
46.7 |
GARRIDO, Ibarguchi Samper, García Carrilo de Albornoz, Azqueta Chocarro
"Emociones de un estigma"
46.8 |
Lin, Li
Implementation of a HIV-Stigma Reduction Intervention Trial among Service Providers in China
47 |
Closing Session |
Plenary |
Wednesday |
11.30-13.30 |
Teatre |
Lorraine Sherr, Jose Catalan, David Dalmau |
Wed |
Sunday - 29th |
| # | Title | Type | Day | Times | Room | Chairs |
50 |
E-Posters English |
Poster |
Sunday |
Sun |
50. |
Loya-montiel, Mendizabal-Burastero, Figueroa, Castillo-Marroquín, Manzanero, Morales-Miranda
Sexual violence, gender inequity and discrimination among people living with HIV/AIDS in Belize, 2012
50. |
Naduta, Naduta - Skrynnik
Pharmacy interventions: improving access to services for MARPs in Ukraine
50.1 |
Hamilton, Hamilton, Kasprzyk, Montano, Muromo, Tshimanga, Down, Marrett
Sexual behavior and satisfaction following medical circumcision: Results from a Phase II comparison study of surgical and non-surgical device circumcision
50.2 |
Doumbouya, Konan, Coulibaly, Doumbouya
An assessment of the men who have sex with men (MSM) community perception of pre and post exposure prophylaxis in Ivory Coast.
50.3 |
Humphries, Knight, Van Rooyen, Barnabas, Celum, Krows
understanding issues around circumcision in men, women and service providers in traditionally non-circumcising communities in KwaZulu-Natal
50.4 |
Bil, Davidovich, Van der Veldt, Stolte
Low intention to use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV-infection among men having sex with men (MSM) in the Netherlands
50.5 |
Griffiths, Campbell
Looking forward: An evidence-based transition model for HIV adolescents and young adults. (UK)
50.6 |
Tcherepanova, Harris, Horvatinovich, DeBenedette, Vezina, Tremblay, Loutfy, Gill, Baril, Smaill, Angel, Routy, Nicolette
Autologous dendritic cell based therapy modulates proviral DNA levels in chronically HIV-infected subjects
50.7 |
Moshabela, Gitomer, Qhibi, Schneider
Formation and growth of community-based non-profit organisations providing health and social services in rural South Africa: a 3-year longitudinal study
50.8 |
Komena, Komena
The strengthening of the community base organizations as strategy to improve the continuum of care: experience of ngo Aconda Vs-Ci, in republic of Côte d'Ivoire
50.9 |
Verdes, Lazar, Dan
KNOWLEDGE Is POWER: A project on building research skills and practice for NGO's staff in Romania
50.10 |
Gupta, Sharma, Bhargava
Comparing Two Cost-Effective Approaches to CD4 Cell Enumeration
50.11 |
Chetty, Hanass-Hancock
Exploration of the Rehabilitation Framework for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in a semi-rural setting, South Africa
50.12 |
Mak, Colombini, Church, Von Maercker, Kikuvi, Mayhew
Why include men? Sexual, reproductive and HIV health seeking behaviours among men in Swaziland
50.13 |
Gibbons, Phiri
Tisamala Teen Mentors Program in Lusaka, Zambia. We Care!
50.14 |
Knight, Van Rooyen, Humphries, Van Heerden, Barnabas, Cellum
Responses to home-based counselling and testing: findings from KwaZulu-Natal
50.15 |
Chetty, Hanass-Hancock
Development of a model of care for rehabilitation of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in a semi-rural setting in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
50.16 |
TOULLIER, Quatremere, Boisserolles, Brigand, Pilorgé, Le Gall, Barbier, Andreo, Rojas Castro
Social ties, sexuality, economic situation and health status among PLWHA aged 50 and older: results from a qualitative study in France
50.17 |
Solomon, O'Brien, Wilkins, Gervais
Aging with HIV;a model of disability
50.18 |
Qiao, Li, Zhou, Shen, Liu
Follow-up service as an approach enhancing sustainable social support for people living with HIV/AIDS: A qualitative study in Guangxi, China
50.19 |
Access to treatment and care for MSM infected in Nepal
50.20 |
Rourke, Rachlis, Gill, Carvalhal, Kovacs, Brunetta, Arbess, Collins, Burchell, Raboud, Rosenes, Reinhard, Atkinson, McCombe, Pick, Bekele, Marcotte, Letendre, Brain Health in HIV/AIDS
The Veteran Aging Cohort Study Index predicts neuropsychological status in HIV/AIDS: Results from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study
50.21 |
Moshabela, Qhibi, Schneider
Sustainability of rural community-based non-profit organisations viewed through the framework of organisational evolution: a 3-year longitudinal study
50.22 |
Role of self-support group in the retention of PLWHA in health facilities: Experience of NGO ACONDA VS-CI in Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.
50.23 |
Nanvubya, Ayuo, Miiro, Laserson, Lang, Kaleebu
Reciprocal Monitoring: An innovative practical and affordable scheme for strategic quality management of health research in Africa
50.24 |
Development in Diagnostic Laboratory Services: The Future for the Management of HIV in Kenya
50.25 |
Harding, Selman, Simms, Penfold, Powell, Mwangi-Powell, Downing, Gikaara, Munene, Higginson
My dreams are shuttered down and it hurts lots - A multi-centre qualitative study of HIV-related problems and their management in Kenya and Uganda.
50.26 |
Cobbing, Hanass-Hancock, Deane
Physiotherapy rehabilitation in the context of HIV and disability in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
50.27 |
Donenberg, Emerson, Udell, Mackesy-Amiti
Reducing HIV-Risk Among Juvenile Offenders on Probation
50.28 |
VIHSIBILITÉ 2nd DVD Compilation, 2000-2012
50.29 |
Devika, Hariharan
Imparting Self Defense Skills (Karate) for Female sex Workers to stop violence against them. Dare to Dash
50.30 |
Li, Zhang, Hong, Zhou, Qiao
Psychological stressors in the context of commercial sex among female sex workers in China
50.31 |
Dias, Gama, Simões, Rego, Curado, Mendão
Participatory research on HIV infection among sex workers
50.32 |
Farach, Galindo, Tinajeros, Guardado, Hernández
HIV infection and condom use with clients among female sex workers in Honduras, 2012
50.33 |
A consideration of the uses of performance theory & theatre practice to HIV disclosure
50.34 |
A workshop in performance storytelling as a methodology for empowered disclosure practice
50.35 |
Mminele, Mminele, Mminele
rural women with narratives and HIV/AIDS
50.36 |
Brown, Poehlman, Kyobutungi, Alexander, Kaydos-Daniels, Yarnoff
A unique partnership to build research capacity for HIV/AIDS prevention in Kenya
50.37 |
O'Brien, Solomon, Bergin, O'Dea, Stratford, Iku, Bayoumi
Reliability and Validity of the HIV Disability Questionnaire with Adults Living with HIV in Canada and Ireland
50.38 |
Bila, Sow, Alfiéri, Desclaux
Is the pressure from health system on women in PMTCT to disclose their HIV status a gender violence? Insights from West Africa
50.39 |
Bila, Sow, Alfiéri, Desclaux
The social effects of pressure from health professionals on women in PMTCT to disclose their HIV status : insights from West Africa
50.40 |
Edgard, Edgard, Gaspard, Henri, Henry, Fugon, Otis, Préau
Voluntary counseling and testing associated with disclosure of serostatus to a stable sexual partner in the democratic republic of the congo
50.41 |
Herdoiza, Herdoiza, Acosta, Bonifaz, Henry, Préau
Factors associated with PLHIV contact with HIV/AIDS CBOs in Ecuador
50.42 |
Derendinger, Staub, Lehner, Lociciro, Jeannin, Dubois-Arber
Break the Chains of HIV Infections among MSM
50.43 |
Zablotska, McKechnie, De Wit, Brown, Maycock, Fairley, Prestage
Current norms regarding HIV risk reduction practices in Australian gay communities
50.44 |
Grierson, McNally, Hidayana, Russell
Optimal network pathways for social influence among gay, biseks and other MSM in Indonesia
50.45 |
Mohamed, Marcel, Mory, Bangaly
How Community Traditional Birth Attendants (CTBA) contributed in improving quality of PMTCT services in rural area: Experience in West of Ivory Coast.
50.46 |
Imhof, Favre, Gredig
Getting to the bottom: HIV-protective strategies and -behaviour among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Switzerland
50.47 |
Jean Jules, Jean Jules, Jean Jules
Integrating men who sex with men in an organization fighting against Hiv/Aids: The case of Colibri Bafoussam Cameroon.
50.48 |
Guo, Li, Li, Liu, Gu, Ling
Social norms and condom use among young Chinese men who have sex with men
50.49 |
Martel, Martel, Otis, Haig, Monteith, Rousseau
Operationalizing a combined approach to HIV prevention for MSM: a grounded analysis of the accessibility of services and programs in Montreal, Canada
50.50 |
Perceptions of Power among HIV-negative Male Couples: Implications for HIV prevention
50.51 |
Li, Li, Lau, Holroyd
The role of informal healthcare in HIV/AIDS prevention and intervention among HIV positive men who have sex with men in China: an anthropological perspective
50.52 |
Kapungu, Kamba, Baptiste
Small Houses, Painkillers, and Sugar Daddies: Multiple Concurrent Partnerships in Zimbabwe
50.53 |
Kiene, Kintu
Physiological and Behavioral Aspects of Alcohol Use are Associated with HIV Status in Fishing Communities in Rural Uganda
50.54 |
Kapungu, Baptiste, Miller, Jordan, Berko, Nicholson, Thomas, Donenberg
Do African American women's perceptions of a male shortage affect their tolerance of and involvement in concurrent partnerships?
50.55 |
Palattiyil, Sidhva, Zimunya
Doubly stigmatized: Being an HIV positive Asylum Seeker in Scotland
50.57 |
Jean Jules
Advocacy for the Acceptance of Men who sex with men within people living with Hiv -aids Organizations
50.58 |
Brigand, Kartner, Bladou, Toullier, Andreo, Maguet, Leicester
Sex work, the impact of French repressive policies on health status.
50.59 |
Luyombya, Luyombya, Maticka-Tyndale, Li, Wong, Fung
Uncovering HIV Stigma: Different Ways of Accessing Knowledge and Experience
50.60 |
Taubert, Taubert, Vierneisel, Luczak
A closer look - discrimination against PLWHA in the healthcare sector
50.61 |
Samson, Locke, Meschack, Ross, Githumbi, Peters, Urbach, Miller, Samson
Impact of an HIV stigma reduction campaign on HIV social distance comfort in a historically black university
50.62 |
Mehlomakulu, Cloete, Simbayi, Chikovore, Duda, Naidoo, Mthembu
"You will be discriminated because of like your sexual preference" : Are public health care practitioners sensitized to providing care, treatment and counselling to key populations in South Africa?
50.63 |
De Carvalho, Coudray
Discrimination against PWHIV in France: where are we in 2012?
50.64 |
De Wit, De Wit, Brener, Slavin
HIV-treatment-related stigma: a barrier to the uptake of antiretroviral treatment and adverse effects on health and wellbeing.
50.65 |
Li, Lin
Assessing HIV-related Stigma Intervention Outcomes by Standardized Patients
50.68 |
Frize, Kocsis, Fieldman
Filler for facial lipoatrophy improves perception of person's health, age and attractiveness.
50.69 |
Moody, Lewis
The value of Mindfulness training to HIV positive individuals : Action Research
50.70 |
Lewis, Moody
The value of mindfulness training to HIV positive individuals: Action Research
50.71 |
Campbell, Griffiths
¡®It ain't easy growing up¡¯: Psychological, behavioural and relational difficulties in a group of HIV 16-22 year olds in London
50.72 |
Kagee, Donenberg, Davids, Vermaak, Simbayi, Ward, Naidoo, Mthembu
Parental perceptions of risk factors for HIV infection among South African adolescents receiving mental health services.
50.73 |
Muñoz-Moreno, Fumaz, Ferrer, Tuldrà, Clotet
Experience of a Psychological Service for People Living with HIV in Barcelona: Implications for Clinical and Psychological Outcomes
50.74 |
Lin, Liang, Hien, Li
Correlated Outcomes of Mental Health and Family Relations among IDU and Family Members in Vietnam: Findings from an Intervention Pilot
50.75 |
Population targeted and factors associated to positivity of rapid HIV test delivered via socio-culturally adapted services located in selected public primary care centers in Madrid
50.76 |
Klavs, Agusti, Fernandez Lopez, Casabona, Ditzel, Lobnik, Kaye, Project
Core indicators to monitor community based voluntary counselling and testing (CBVCT) for HIV
50.77 |
Agusti, Fernàndez, Casabona, Klavs, Rojas Castro, Kaye, Fuertes, Mussat, Meliou, Voudouri, HIV-COBATEST project study group
The COBATEST network: A platform to perform monitoring and evaluation of HIV community-based testing practices in Europe as well as operational research
50.78 |
Desmond, Kumwenda, Seeley, Taegtemeyer, Makombe, Namakhoma, Chepuka, Corbett, Lalloo, Heyderman, Theobald
The social and ethical dimensions of introducing HIV self-testing technologies to resource-poor contexts: A case study in urban Malawi
50.79 |
Breveglieri, Furegato, Bertinato, Agusti, Fernandez Lopez, Casabona Barbarà, Nardone, Brown
Community Based Voluntary Counseling and Testing implementation in Europe: data and recommendations from the HIV-COBATEST survey
50.80 |
Laura, Laura, Jean-Marie, Beata, Daniela, Per, François, Miha, Michael, Michael, Ivo, Iwona, Galina, Cristina, Laura, Jordi
HIV-COBATEST: Developing a Guide to doing it better in our community-based voluntary counseling and testing (CBVCT) centers in Europe
50.81 |
Rojas Castro, Quatremère, Le Gall, Agusti, Fernandez, Casabona Barberà
HIV-COBATEST: A qualitative study about the implementation of community-based voluntary counseling and testing (CBVCT) services in Europe
50.82 |
Griffiths, Campbell
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL. Positive Parenting: Supporting the resilience of mothers and fathers living with HIV (UK)
50.83 |
Tuthill, Young, McGrath
Commonalities and differences in Infant Feeding attitudes and practices in the context of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Metasynthesis
50.84 |
Tuthill, Young
Commonalities and differences in Infant Feeding attitudes and practices in the context of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Metasynthesis
50.85 |
A conceptual framework to assess the effectiveness of HIV prevention
50.86 |
Coll, Leon, Brazo, Fernandez, Carrillo, Casabona, Sirera, Cañadas, Bach, Perez, Pujol, Meulbroek, Taboada, Saz, Perez, Perez, Muñoz, Blanco, Ferrer, Gonzalez, Piñol, García-Cuyàs, Llatjos, Puig, Castella, Chamorro, Gatell, Clotet, Brander
A community based cohort of MSM at high risk of HIV infection allows an early detection of HIV and the diagnosis of asymptomatic STI and HPV related lesions
50.87 |
Chitiyo, Gregson, Dorrington
Bias in summary birth history estimates of child mortality due to HIV: cohort study estimates from eastern Zimbabwe
50.88 |
Valencia La Rosa, Valencia, De los Santos, Sanz, Sarria, Salas
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) acute infection in HIV-infected msm due to sexual transmission: clinical and epidemiological description of six cases
50.89 |
Aslanov, Mugford
Incidence of HPV-related malignancy in HIV-HCV co-infected population.
50.90 |
Sensitizing local communities to basic information on HIV in a faith based community: a case study from Grace Home, Mizoram, North East India
50.91 |
Getting to ZERO- a unique experience in involving youth in HIV/AIDS prevention.
50.92 |
Rhodes, Stowers, Miller, Mann, Alonzo, Reece
An exploratory study of an online social network intervention to promote HIV testing among MSM
50.93 |
Spijker, Pars, Taal
Online Learning Week for Nurses in STI/HIV prevention and care feasibility of an e-learning program in the Netherlands
50.94 |
Beadle, Watson
Starting a Conversation??
50.95 |
Van Loon, Wouters, Masquiller
Lay adherence support and antiretroviral treatment outcomes in hiv/aids patients in South Africa: the moderating role of family dynamics
50.96 |
Lazar, Verdes, Henry, Otis, Fugon, Préau
Treatment adherence of people living with HIV from Romania - between individual and structural challenges
50.97 |
Corinne, Bouah, Sylla, N'Dri, Kouassi
knowledge of hiv status among adolescents living with hiv and adhesion to antiretroviral therapy.
50.98 |
Rodrigue, Blais, Otis, Haig, Wainberg, Rousseau
Couple status and sexual risk taking among men who have sex with men (MSM): data from SPOT, a community-based rapid HIV testing intervention in Montreal
50.99 |
The imperative need to integrate nutritional care in the monitoring of PLWHA: experience of Aconda, in Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.
50.100 |
Akhagba, Olaogbebikan
Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS transmission through Peer Educators amongst In-School Youths in Edaiken Community
50.101 |
Komena, Komena, Zaho
Assessment of the integration of positive prevention in the Care offered to PLWHA: experience of ACONDA, in Côte d'Ivoire
50.102 |
Bechange, Baryarama
Trends in Abstinence, Unfaithfulness and Condom Use in Uganda, 1980-2006
50.103 |
Shisana, Wabiri, Zuma, Freeman
Exploring the social determinants of spatial clustering of HIV infections in South Africa
50.104 |
Moral and cultural barriers to the people on the 3 ways to preventing HIV/AIDS in the city of kisangani in republic democratic of congo
50.105 |
Friedman, Perlman, Rossi, Nikolopoulos, Paraskevis, Schneider, Pouget, Downing, Malliori, Smyrnov, Fotiou, Slobodyanyk, Hatzakis, Sypsa
HIV rebound vulnerability: Theoretical perspectives and needed research
50.106 |
Qiao, Li, Tam, Zhou, Shen, Liu
Innovation dissemination from research to clinical practice: Lessons from preparation for an HIV parental disclosure project
50.107 |
Fernàndez, Agustí, Casabona, Project study group
Acceptability, feasibility, and impact of introducing the rapid oral test in the HIV-COBATEST CBVCT network
50.108 |
Simbayi, Guerra
Prevalence of knowledge and use of the female condom in South Africa
50.109 |
HENRY, Beaulieu Prevost, Otis, Veillette-Bourbeau, Acosta, Diop, Abadie, Matamba, Lazar, Preau
indicators of serostatus disclosure both reflecting this phenomenon's complexity and relevant in various socio-cultural contexts (Mali, Morocco, DRC, Ecuador, Romania)
50.110 |
Beltzer, Lydié
Stopping condom use: unprotected intercourses in French population -2010 ANRS-KABP survey
50.111 |
Manzou, Gregson, Schumacher
Temporal dynamics of religion as a determinant of HIV infection in east Zimbabwe: a serial cross-sectional analysis
50.112 |
Lin, Chen, Li, Tam
Gender differences in the relationship between alcohol use and HIV-related sexual risk behaviors among rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing, China
50.113 |
Building on Clinical Trial Experiences to Prepare for Vaginal Microbicide Introduction
50.114 |
Lachowsky, Dewey, Saxton, Hughes, Dickson, Summerlee
Factors associated with condom use among younger gay and bisexual men in New Zealand using a generalised linear mixed model
50.115 |
HIV/AIDS Testimonial Cultures in Canada: Lessons Learned From HIV-positive Videos and Interviews With Advocates and Storytellers
50.116 |
Grotheer, Mwamburi, Hong, Tang, Wanke, Mjomba, Mwero
Role of Food Insecurity on HIV High Risk Behavior: Exploring Pathways with HIV Transmission Knowledge
50.117 |
Kaufman, Simbayi, Figueroa, Vidanapathirana
Social and Behavior Change Communication to Prevent HIV - Impact Evidence from Around the World
50.118 |
Okatch, Okatch, Modie-Moroka, Mpeta, Gobagoba, Ncube, Pilane, Chilisa
Predictors of sexual abstinence among 12-15 year old church going adolescents in Botswana
50.119 |
Riess, Reijer, Kelders, Pagnaroat
Changes in ARV guidelines and their influence on the timing of client's treatment initiation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
50.120 |
Blais, Fernet, Proulx-Boucher, Lapointe, Samson, Otis, Lebouche
The Quality of Family Life in Families affected by HIV: The Perspective of HIV-positive Mothers
50.121 |
ODonovan, Vosper
Screening for mood, alcohol and sexual risk in people living with HIV.
50.122 |
Dias, Gama, Martins
A study of sexual behavioural patterns and HIV infection in immigrants in Portugal
50.123 |
Marsicano, Ndziessi, Mbiribindi, Lydié
Ethnic variations in sexual and preventive practices in France: first results from a community-based survey
50.124 |
Shuper, Christie, Amico, Cornman, Fisher, MacDonald, Pillay, Smith, Fisher
Tested But Not Treated: Risky Sexual Behaviour among HIV South Africans Not Yet Eligible for Antiretroviral Therapy
50.125 |
Rhodes, Alonzo, Mann, Downs, Garcia, Rodriguez, Arellano, Eng
The use of lay community insiders to reduce HIV risk among immigrant Latinos in the USA: Findings from community-level, social network interventions in the Southeast
50.126 |
Gibbons, McGuigan
Eagles, Snakes and Stars: Theatre and performance empowering young people living with HIV to manage adherence, stigma and peer pressure.
50.127 |
Down, Kasprzyk, Montano, Hamilton, Tshimanga, Marrett
Psychosocial Results from a Field Implementation Trial of a Non-surgical Circumcision Device in Zimbabwe: Comparing Males and their Female Partners
50.128 |
Pornographic campuses and erotic autonomy: visual representations of sex on university campuses in the context of HIV and AIDS: the case of the University of Botswana.
50.129 |
Udell, Udell, Donenberg
Parental religiosity and youth HIV prevention among African American youth: the relationship between parental religiosity, parental HIV knowledge and parent-youth communication about sexual risk
50.130 |
Udell, Udell, Donenberg
Remembering the basics: African American youth and HIV knowledge
50.131 |
Gourlay, Birdthistle, Wringe, Mshana, Mkwashapi, Urassa
"We didn't understand each other": exploring the impact of patient-provider interactions on prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV service use in rural Tanzania
50.132 |
Esteve, Gallois, Casabona,
Life expectancy of HIV-positive individuals on ART in Catalonia and the Balearic islands: the PISCIS Cohort Study
50.133 |
Fighting Aids in Malawi: Moyo AIDS Foundation: www.moyofoundation.org
50.134 |
Increasing Voluntary HIV Testing among African-born Immigrants: Challenges and opportunities for the Irish Health Service
50.135 |
De Alvaro, Arazo, Polo, Miralles, Mellado, Pérez-Elías, Galindo, Burgos, De Alvaro, Cabrero
Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, quality of life and sexual sphere in HIV young women in Spain. EVhA-1 Study (EVhA Stages Project).
51 |
EPoster - Espanol |
Poster |
Sunday |
Sun |
51. |
Gómez García, Figna García, Espacio Casanovas
Atención a personas con VIH afectadas por el RDL16/2012 de la Comunidad Valenciana.
51.2 |
Hernández, Estevez López, Lugo-Viña Hamilton, Vera García, Ramírez Alemán, Alonso Alvarez, Rizo Correa, Cruz Alvarez
Diferencias y similitudes en la actitud del personal de enfermería ante los pacientes con infección VIH entre los dos Hospitales Universitarios de Tenerife
51.3 |
Menéndez Ramírez, Martín, Coromina Gimferrer, Cruz Alonso
Optimización de recursos para la atención en drogodependecias dirigida al paciente homosexual. La importancia de la formación y coordinación entre profesionales de la red de drogas y colectivos LGTB.
51.4 |
Tricas, Robau, López, Pérez, Martínez
Experiencia de enfermería en la incorporación de la técnica DXA para evaluar la composición corporal en pacientes VIH
51.5 |
Ortega López, Morales Asencio, Prado de la Sierra, Rodríguez González, Manjón Mariscal, Rengel Díaz, Peñas Cárdenas
Significados de la cronicidad del VIH en las representaciones de afectados, cuidadores y profesionales de la salud
51.6 |
Calzada-Hernández, Casas Luna, Garriga Mayugo, Franco Buendia, Curell Aguilà
Una realidad diferente: el VIH en la adolescencia y la juventud
51.7 |
Robau, Fernandez, Ligero, Leal
Enfermería y Organizaciones no Gubernamentales (ONGs) especializadas en VIH/sida: una experiencia de colaboración en Barcelona.
51.8 |
Fernández, Ligero, Robau
Protocolización de la visita de acogida y seguimiento de los pacientes VIH / sida en la consulta de enfermería especializada
51.9 |
Hermoso, Rivero-Juarez, Camacho, Segador, Kindelan, Rivero
Alto impacto en la eficacia del tratamiento antirretroviral de un programa piloto interdisciplinar de apoyo social a pacientes infectados por el VIH. Seguimiento del Proyecto Sísifo.
51.10 |
Blanco Escartin, Blanco, Belenguer
Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre VIH/SIDA en personal de la residencia Cruz Blanca de Huesca
51.11 |
Sanz, Sanz, Von Wichmann, Camino, Bustinduy, Azkune, Arrillaga, Lajo, Zulaica
Diez años de experiencia de la consulta de ITS de San Sebastián (2003-2012)
51.12 |
Canales Fernández, Scalerandi
Beneficios de la Intervención psicomotriz en personas con discapacidad asociada al VIH en situación de exclusión social.
51.13 |
Igor, Nagore, Leire, Fernando, Ianire
Talleres psicoeducativos para el fomento de la Calidad de Vida de las personas con VIH
51.14 |
"ACCAS. 20 años de respuesta al VIH/Sida"
51.15 |
PEREZ NEVADO, Meulbroek, Ditzel, Coll, Perez, Carrillo, Saz, Taboada, Font, Marazzi, Uya, Cabrero, Ingrami, Marín, Pujol
Implementación de un programa piloto de vacunación contra las hepatitis A y B dirigido a HSH en el centro comunitario Bcn Checkpoint
51.16 |
Ortiz-Pérez, Bravo-García
Acceso universal al tratamiento antirretroviral (TARGA) y mortalidad por SIDA en México: éxitos y fracasos a nivel regional
51.17 |
Andreo Pagán, Cami Chimeno, Delas Amat, Ayasareh, Bacovich, Gonzalez Hernandez, Kistmacher, Grifols Vila, Diaz Grau
Transexuales atendidos/as en un servicio sanitario en una zona urbana socialmente deprimida.
51.18 |
Miró Penichet, Canales
Intervención con personas con VIH en situación de exclusión social en el Centro de Día el Faro, beneficios obtenidos durante el 2012
51.19 |
Necesidades psico-socio-sanitarias en hombres latinoamericanos que tienen sexo con hombres después de su diagnóstico del VIH
51.20 |
Gómez Caballero, Cabezas García, Alonso Capilla, Giménez Alcorisa, Sáez Catalán, Remón Serrat
Construyendo el futuro de las personas en riesgo de exclusión social a través del empleo: una apuesta con rentabilidad económica y social
51.21 |
Santamaria, Sotelo, Palacio, D`Elio, Betti, Weller, Recchi, Falistocco
Consultorios amigables. Una propuesta para mejorar el acceso a la salud de la población de la diversidad sexual
51.22 |
G Susperregui, Baceiredo, Bermudez-Flores
Programa de intervención de Adhara Sevilla frente al VIH/Sida, las hepatitis virales y otras ITS en el Centro Penitenciario Puerto II
51.23 |
Boichat, Ruiz
La cooperación catalana y la I en VIH/Sida y salud global
51.24 |
González Hernández, Bacovich, Andreo Pagán, Cami Chimeno, Kistmacher, Ayasareh, Delàs, Aguas, Grifols Vila, Diaz Grau
Influencia del abuso de benzodiazepinas en conductas de riesgo sexuales y de consumo
51.25 |
Ávila, Ávila
"Barebacking" en España: un acercamiento a las prácticas intencionadas de sexo sin protección en HSH a partir de producciones narrativas
51.26 |
Anegas Gonzalez, Gonzalez
Un abordaje global de la educación afectiva sexual para personas afectadas de discapacidad intelectual
51.27 |
Anegas Gonzalez, Soler, Jareño, Garrido, Fernandez-Camps, S
Prevención del VIH/SIDA en colectivos vulnerables: formación de profesionales.
51.28 |
Anegas Gonzalez, Soler, Jareño
Trabajo en red, formación de profesionales en prevención del VIH/Sida en el ámbito extraescolar (1997 -2012)
51.29 |
Ferreras Antolín, Rivera Cuello, Ruíz Moreno, Sánchez Yáñez, Berzosa López, Ruíz Enciso
Lactancia artificial para recién nacidos hijos de madre VIH. Experiencia de Médicos del Mundo (Málaga)
51.30 |
Castro Calvo, Gil, Ballester, Morell, Ceccato
Uso del preservativo en el sexo anal de hsh: percepción de riesgo y búsqueda de sensaciones sexuales
51.31 |
Maribel, Marco, Nagore
Estudio longitudinal sobre el empleo del prevervativo y percepción del riesgo de transmisión en jovenes de EUskadi
51.32 |
Castro, Santos-Iglesias, Ansó
Influencia del abuso sexual en la infancia en las agresiones sexuales y la emisión de conductas sexuales de riesgo en universitarios españoles: evaluación del Modelo de Control Dual
51.33 |
Greedig, Granados Valverde, Gredig, Le Breton, Solis Lara
Conducta de protección frente al VIH/SIDA en jóvenes entre 15 y 24 años de edad en Costa Rica
51.34 |
Espai VIHtal
51.35 |
Acosta Martínez
Experiencias vitales desde centros residenciales y pisos de soporte para personas que viven con VIH en situación de exclusión social
51.36 |
Propuesta de inserción laboral como mejora de la calidad de vida de personas que viven con VIH en situación de vulnerabilidad social
51.37 |
Gómez Caballero, Cabezas García, Giménez Alcorisa, Sáez Catalán, Remón Serrat
Campaña Eliminando Obstáculos, Construyendo Empleo a favor de la inserción laboral de las personas con VIH.
51.38 |
Nagore, Ana, Arrate, Rocio, Aurora, Noemí
La vivencia de ser mujer con vih: afrontamiento, apoyo social percibido y autoaceptación
51.39 |
Martín Martín, Roqueta i Manen, Pazos Gomez
Homofobia interiorizada como variable moduladora en el proceso de adaptación a la convivencia con el VIH en hombres homosexuales: una revisión bibliográfica y sugerencias desde la práctica clínica.
51.40 |
Agirrezabal, Valencia, Asla, Etxepeteleku, Gil de Montes, Ortiz, Larrañaga, Mayordomo, Fuster
Mujer y positiva: construyendo desde los discursos de las mujeres con vih.
51.41 |
Bertran de Bes
Discriminación y vulneración de derechos hacia personas con VIH
51.42 |
Vidal-Coll, Vidal-Coll, Giménez-Masat
Integración de instrumentos de conexión mente-cuerpo en la psicoterapia relacional aplicada a personas que viven con el vih.
51.43 |
Maria, Enrique, Marta, Laura, Meritxell, Rosa, Antonia, Alfons, Antonia, Rafael
Estudio de prevalencia de trastornos mentales en pacientes VIH
51.44 |
Figna García, Vidal Manzanera, Candela Soto, Selva Portillo, Macheras, De Gregorio Cortés, Rodriguez
Intervención Psicosocial a través de Grupos de Ayuda Mutua para pacientes VIH en la Comunidad Valenciana en 2012
51.45 |
SANCHEZ JUL, Rodriguez, Vasallo
mindfulness y VIH: aplicación de un programa de reducción de estrés basado en la atención plena (mindfulness) a un grupo de personas seropositivas
51.46 |
FRANCISCA, Mercedes, Isabel, Laura, Samuel
percepción de la Función familiar y sintomatologia depresiva en una muestra de menores afectados por el VIH
51.47 |
VIH: plus inesperado que duplica la condición de cronicidad en las personas hemofílicas. Experiencia del Servicio de Psicología, de la Asociación Catalana de Hemofilia.
51.48 |
Infección por VIH, trauma y tiempos lógicos
51.49 |
Hemofilia, VIH y Psicoanálisis: 20 años de experiencia
51.50 |
Quezadas Bolanos, Ejegi-Memeh, Martinez
Prueba rápida VIH/SIDA y alternativas de apoyo emocional en la Asociació Ciutadana Anti-sida de Catalunya.
51.51 |
Laura, Jean-Marie, Beata, Daniela
Acompañamiento y pruebas comunitarias del VIH : una herramienta de proximidad para la mejora de la salud sexual
51.52 |
Hoyos, Rosales, Ruíz, Figueroa, Álvarez, Gutiérrez
La utilización de servicios sanitarios antes del diagnóstico de VIH en personas recién diagnosticadas: oportunidades perdidas para adelantar el diagnóstico
51.53 |
Lozano, García, Antón, Rodríguez, Martín
El impacto del Counselling de la prueba de VIH en el Centro Joven de Anticoncepción y Sexualidad de Madrid (CJASM)
51.54 |
Zamora Fuente, Lozano de Leon-Naranjo
Actualización Programa de Diagnostico Precoz de VIH en Andalucia
51.55 |
Esteban Vasallo, Esteban Vasallo, Morán Arribas, García Riolobos, Ultra Berzosa, Rico Bermejo, Collado González, Domínguez Berjón, El Kertat, Pizarro, Coundoul, Guionnet, Kouakou, Aguirre Martin-Gil
Encuesta a usuarios de un Servicio de Pruebas Rápidas de VIH con mediación sociocultural ubicado en centros de salud de Madrid
51.56 |
Garcia-Morcillo, Martinez-Gomez, G Susperregui
Por una generación sin VIH: campaña comunitaria de Adhara Sevilla para el fomento del diagnóstico precoz
51.57 |
Sanz, Sanz, Camino, Von Wichmann, Azkune, Bustinduy, Arrillaga, Lajo, Zulaica
Analisis de pruebas de VIH en la consulta de pruebas de San Sebastian
51.58 |
Delás, Caballero, Martín, Aguas, Camí
Incidencia de infecciones por hepatitis y VIH en consumidores de heroína y cocaína de larga duración.
51.59 |
Marcos, Fernández-Balbuena, Pérez, Sánchez, Molist, De la Fuente
El papel de las farmacias en la detección del VIH en Castilla y León: evaluación del programa de cribado mediante prueba rápida (2010-2012).
51.60 |
G Susperregui, Garcia-Morcillo, Lopez-Jimenez
Eficacia del servicio de cribado rápido de infección por VIH en Adhara Sevilla: análisis cuantitativo de los resultados 2009-2012
51.61 |
Obiols, Stolkiner
Aspectos psicosociales de la transmisión vertical del VIH: necesidades de atención integral de mujeres que viven con VIH/Sida en el sistema público de salud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y alrededores.
51.62 |
Bravo-García, Ortiz-Pérez (2)
Elevada incidencia de transmisión perinatal del VIH en México: una asignatura pendiente
51.63 |
Niebla Fuentes, Grajales Muñiz, Rojas Mendoza, Valle Alvarado, Cabrera Gaytan, Krug Llamas, Rodriguez Garcia, Revilla Torreblanca, Paz Ayar
Panorama Epidemiológico del Binomio TB-VIH/SIDA en Derechohabientes del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, México 2000-2012.
51.64 |
Campbell, Esteve, Casabona
Reconstrucción de la epidemia de VIH en Cataluña y proyecciones para el periodo 2011-2017
51.65 |
Malo, Carmen, Silvia, Monica, Jose manuel, Begoña, Javier
¿Existen diferencias de supervivencia en los casos de sida en Aragón? Años 1985-2012
51.66 |
Labajo Leal, Labajo Leal, Pazos Alonso, Rodríguez Rivero, Ocampo Hermida, Warncke Pérez, Martínez, Rodríguez, Pérez Méndez, Miralles Álvarez
Comparación del perfil sociodemográfico y clínico, y de la situación clínica actual, de las mujeres y hombres infectados por VIH que acuden a la consulta de infecciosas
51.67 |
Alastrué Loscos, Juan Corrons, Santos Rubio, Tasa Zapater, Domenech Alonso, Fernández Alonso, Lloria, Mitjans Lafont, Aguilera Velasco
Evolución de las características sociodemográficas y prácticas de riesgo de los seroconvertores diagnosticados en el Centro de Información y Prevención del Sida (CIPS) de Valencia entre 1999 y 2011
51.68 |
Lizan-Garcia, Lizan-Garcia, Garvi Romero, Ramde, Bakary
Estudio de prevalencia de VIH/SIDA en la provincia de Tuy (Burkina Faso).
51.69 |
IBARRA LORENZO, Fernandez Estevez, Fernandez San Pedro, Bueno Pozo, Curiel Serradilla, Sanz Arias, Romero Pareja, Robledillo Pulgarin, Sanchez Leiva, Gomez-Ayerbe, Muriel, Martinez-Colubi, Pérez-Elías
Diferencias epidemiológicas y en las respuestas a un cuestionario de riesgo para infección por VIH (CuestR-VIH) entre los pacientes con prueba serológica rápida VIH (PR-VIH) positiva frente a los pacientes con PR-VIH negativa.
51.70 |
Folch, Casabona
18 años de monitorización bio-conductual del VIH/ITS en Cataluña
51.71 |
Pérez Tejera, Ferrer, Meulbroek, Loureiro, Taboada, Pérez, Carrillo, Casabona, Pujol
Ítaca: implementación de una cohorte de HSH VIH negativos entre los usuarios de un centro comunitario en Barcelona
51.72 |
Campbell, Esteve, Casabona, Grupo de estudio Cohorte PISCIS
La cascada de servicios de VIH en Cataluña
51.73 |
Abordaje integral de la hepatitis C en una Consulta de Enfermedades Infecciosas: Programa de Atención Multidisciplinar
51.74 |
Resultados preliminares del abordaje integral de la hepatitis C en una Consulta de Enfermedades Infecciosas: adherencia en el seguimiento
51.75 |
Hernández, Lugo-Viña Hamilton, Estevez Lopez, Vera Garcia, Ramirez Alemán, Alonso Alvarez, Rizo Correa, Cruz Alvarez
Estudio sobre los conocimientos y actitudes sobre la infección por VIH del personal de Enfermería de los dos Hospitales Universitarios de Tenerife
51.76 |
Ortego, Sevilla, Salvadores, Torres, Sarabia, Sanchón
Factores de riesgo y barreras en el empleo de preservativo en estudiantes universitarios
51.77 |
Varela Fernández
Evaluación de conductas preventivas y actitudes de los jóvenes estudiantes en 4º de ESO hacia la personas con VIH en la ci
51.78 |
Espada, Morales, Orgiles, Gonzalvez, Piqueras
Un ensayo controlado para la evaluación de un protocolo de prevención del VIH/SIDA basado en el desarrollo de habilidades: comparación con un programa bien establecido
51.79 |
Ávila, Gras, Ávila
Análisis del discurso de las campañas de prevención del VIH dirigidas a hombres que tienen que sexo con hombres
51.80 |
Espada, Morales, Orgiles, Guillen, Piqueras
Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Conocimientos sobre Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ECITS): un nuevo instrumento para la evaluación en población adolescente
51.81 |
Menéndez Ramírez, Cruz Alonso, Pineda, Coromina Gimferrer
Circuito de tratamiento y acompañamiento en la adherencia al TARGA en personas con problemas de consumo de drogas
51.82 |
Pérez Bernal, Feijoo, Ocaña
Seguimiento de una cohorte de personas con VIH-SIDA que participan en un programa de enfermeria de apoyo a adherencia
51.83 |
Pérez, Rodrigo
Adherencia terapéutica en una muestra de pacientes en tratamiento antirretroviral
51.84 |
Canales Fernández, Gómez Caballero
Resultados obtenidos en el 2012 del área de intervención en adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral del Comité Ciudadano Antisida de Valencia con personas con VIH en situación de exclusión social.
51.85 |
Adherencia terapéutica y calidad de Vida en personas con VIH y salud mental, apoyo social y ajuste
51.86 |
Borrallo, BorralloTorrejon, Vergara Moragues, Jimenez Aguilar, Romero Palacios, Perez Garcia, Vergara de Campos
Pueden presentar una peor Calidad de Vida los pacientes con un probable deterioro cognitivo?
51.87 |
Arrillaga, Arrillaga, Zulaika, Sanz, Lajo
Los programas de intercambio de jeringuillas (PIJ) en el País Vasco. 20 años de experiencia.
51.88 |
Javier Castro, Delàs, Ballesteros, Ramió, El Hilali, Aguas
Impacto de la terapia antiretroviral en el riesgo cardiovascular y el perfil lipídico
51.90 |
Ligero, Fernández, Robau, Tricas, Moreno, Moreno
Cómo las nuevas tecnologías favorecen la consulta de enfermería. Resultados de la prueba de la tuberculina en pacientes VIH.
51.91 |
Valencia La Rosa, Valencia La Rosa, Sanz Sanz, De los santos Gil, Sanchez Casasola, Sarria, Salas Aparicio
Prevalencia de osteopenia y de osteoporosis en pacientes VIH naive al tratamiento antirretroviral
51.92 |
Rodriguez, Rodríguez Rivero, Labajo Leal, Pazos Alonso, Iribarren Díaz, González-Carreró, Warncke Pérez, Miralles Álvarez, Ocampo Hermida
Cuidados de enfermería en el despistaje de la displasia anal en pacientes con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana.
51.93 |
Palazuelos, Sanz, Palazuelos, Hevia, Ledesma
Diarrea crónica: percepción vs realidad (Estudio Diacro)
51.94 |
Anegas Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Jareño
Trabajo en red, formación de profesionales en prevención del VIH/Sida en el ámbito extraescolar (1997 -2012)
51.95 |
Marin, Marin, Marti-Belda, Barrenetxea, Hornero, Moreno, Casado
importancia de la ansiedad y depresión como causa de peor autopercepción de función cognitiva
51.96 |
Sanz, Sanz, Von Wichmann, Bustinduy, Arrillaga, Lajo, Zulaica, Camino
analisis de las pruebas de vih el la consulta de its de San Sebastian (2012)
51.97 |
González, Manjón Mariscal, Ortega López, Prado de la Sierra, Rengel Díaz, Peñas Cárdenas
Valoración del estigma en el ámbito sanitario desde la perspectiva de profesionales, afectados y cuidadores
51.98 |
Agirrezabal, Asla, Huarte, Koerting, Capitán, Figna, Manovel, Ruiz, Menéndez, Sastre, Pérez
Autorrealízate: trabajando la autorrealización y el afecto positivo en personas con vih. -CESIDA 2012-
51.99 |
Elena, Araujo Puertas, Torrado Silva
Acompañamiento y couselling con personas VIH en exclusión social: complementariedad y coordinación entre profesionales y agentes de pares
51.100 |
Borrallo, Borrallo Torrejon, Vergara Moragues, Jimenez Aguilar, Romero Palacios, Perez Garcia, Vergara de Campos
Pueden presentar una peor calidad de vida los pacientes con un probable deterioro cognitivo?
51.101 |
Díaz Figueroa
Jóvenes en la transformación social: una inversión en futuro
51.102 |
iCEATvih: The online tool for adherence to antiretroviral treatment assessment.
51.103 |
Font Canals, Fernandez, Taulé, Bover, Ligero, Robau, Fernandez, Perez, Agüera, Pons, Maso, Puig, Martinez, Sanchez, Aran
Perfil de la enfermera especialista en pacientes VIH en Cataluña: resultados preliminares
51.105 |
Mejías Navarro, Roqueta i Manen, Pazos Gómez
Prueba rápida de detección de anticuerpos del VIH y Sífilis y consejo asistido en la ciudad de Barcelona