Abstract #33 - Role of ICT in the prevention and mitigation efforts for HIV/ AIDS is generating awareness and providing practical information to people and in capacity building.
Authors: Presenting Author: Mr Robinson Muigai - Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium | |
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Aim: The key role of ICT in the prevention and mitigation efforts for HIV/AIDS in Kenya is generating awareness and providing practical information to people to deal with such problems through the audio-visual and electronic media and also it is helping in capacity building of health functionaries towards counseling and treatment with regard to HIV/AIDS.ICT-based project that enables a consortium of Community Based Organisations and other concerned agencies in Kenya to monitor and evaluate current HIV programmes
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Method / Issue: ICT in HIV/AIDS prevention
Electronic Resource Centre on HIV/AIDS that will include training modules, interactive e-Forums and e-Resources tailored to the needs of organisations working in this field
Electronic Helpline on HIV/AIDS
The objective of the project is to disseminate technically sound information on HIV/AIDS along with details of related health services, and to as many people as possible while maintaining the anonymity of the client
ICT and targeting interventions
The ICT with the help of GIS tools, can be used as an effective means of not only identifying vulnerable populations and regions, but also tracking and monitoring the vulnerability for organisation
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Results / Comments: In its present form the software provides a client with the following options: (i) general information on what is HIV/AIDS, causal factors and prevention possibilities Conclusion. The GIS database includes information on HIV/AIDS epidemiological incidence and surveillance data, distribution of known risk population, migration and transportation routes, economic risk factors, education indicators, ICT availability information, health indicators and organisational coverage.
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Discussion: Despite the challenges to be faced because of the infrastructural constraints in applying ICT as a tool, mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into other ICT projects can be a cost-effective solution to increasing the outreach of the medium. This would be in keeping with KNASP III strategic priorities of mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into other development initiatives and building partners among government, civil society and private sector.
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