Santa Fe 2011 Santa Fe, USA 2011
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Abstract #15  -  Rates of condom- and non-condom-based anal intercourse practices among homosexually active men in Australia: deliberate HIV risk reduction?
  Presenting Author:   Dr Limin Mao - The University of New South Wales
  Additional Authors:  Prof. Susan  Kippax, Dr. Martin Holt, Prof. Garrett Prestage, Dr. Iryna Zablotska, Prof. John De Wit,  
More than two decades into the HIV epidemic and with the advancement of HIV treatments, condom- and non-condom-based anal intercourse among gay men in resource-rich countries need to be re-assessed.
  Method / Issue:
Rates of men engaging in a range of anal intercourse were estimated from the ongoing cross-sectional Gay Community Periodic Surveys (GCPS) in eight metropolitan locations in Australia from 2007 to 2009. Further comparisons were made between HIV-negative men, HIV-positive men with an undetectable viral load, and HIV-positive men with a detectable viral load.
  Results / Comments:
Condoms play a key role in gay men’s practice of anal intercourse: 33.8% of the HIV-negative men, 25.5% of HIV-positive men with an undetectable viral load and 22.5% of HIV-positive men with a detectable viral load reported 100% condom use with all male partners in the six month prior to survey. Among HIV-negative men, the second largest group were men who had unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) only in the context of HIV-negative seroconcordant regular relationships. Among HIV-positive men, the second largest group after 100% condom users were men who had UAI in casual encounters preceded by HIV status disclosure to some casual partners.
Most gay men who engaged in UAI did so consistently in specific situations, suggesting that such practices are deliberately adopted as a form of HIV risk reduction. While it is important that HIV behavioural prevention continues to reinforce condoms, it needs to address the challenges from the substantial uptake of non-condom based risk reduction strategies.
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