Santa Fe 2011 Santa Fe, USA 2011
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Abstract #10  -  Anti-AIDS clubs and fight against stigmatization of aids orphans at school in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
  Presenting Author:   Mr Raphael Anzuruni Mbuto - Tous Contre le Sida
  Additional Authors:   
Eradication of AIDS orphans stigmatization at school.
  Method / Issue:
Dying from AIDS often makes ashamed all the family. Such a death causes stigmatization and discrimination of all the members of the deceased family in their different places even at school. If adults speak with reserve about that problem, children speak in order to shock the victims. This happens clearly in many schools in Democratic republic of Congo. However, the UN convention on the rights of the child asserts in article 28 that " States parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity and in conformity with the present convention. " So, after our investigation, we have noticed in some schools located in Kinshasa, 33 pupils stigmatized by their schoolmates because of the death of a parent from AIDS. Such a situation does not favour a good schooling for orphans. Now, we were obliged to find an other solution to this problem beside the imprisonment and the fine as proposed by the Congolese law Nº 08/11 of July 14th,2008 protecting the rights of people with HIV/AIDS and affected people in article 42.
  Results / Comments:
The project was in Kinshasa in 2010. It was about installation of anti-AIDS clubs for pupils and teachers in 5 different schools . The aim was to eradicate AIDS orphans stigmatization at school. We started by the mobilization on HIV transmission and prevention ways. After each session, 2 clubs were set up in each school, one for pupils and an other for teachers. 10 clubs have been set up in total. Those clubs were charged firstly to welcome and manage the complaints of stigmatized pupils and secondly to continue with the mobilization activity. During the project, 33 cases of stigmatized pupils have been managed. This means that all the 33 stigmatized pupils i.e. 100% of cases recovered their human dignity.
A lot of AIDS orphans are undergoing the stigmatization in their schools in spite of the convention and the law aforesaid. But the creation of anti-AIDS clubs has been a good solution to this problem. As we may see recently, this experience is asked by other schools. All schools in which stigmatized AIDS orphans exist should create the anti-AIDS clubs for pupils and teachers as a permanent and pacific solution.
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